Science Snippets

Did I mention I am catching up on some stuff?
I came across some interesting bits in Science recently:

Icelandic sheep really are special - we always knew this, nice to see it confirmed by modern science... (free abs)

Nice article on horse colour selection in same issue

Decent discussion on NASA cost overruns

Science robots - NYT article on this and this - er, chaps, are we sure this is really such a good idea?

Fe/N/C catalyst for a PEM fuel cell - that is almost as good as Pt/C, but cheaper. Now to make it stable, and little bit better...

Persistent North Atlantic Oscillations driving century time scale climate variations - hmmmm

DNA walking nanorobot - awesome!

Intriguing item on anorexia - possible role of BDNF brain protein as marker, or cause, of anorexia - both as diagnostic and for recovery

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