teh hawt bloggin'

Isis, our very own laboratory goddess, apparently knows the secret to hot and sexy science blogging.
We investigate.

Apparently it is all about leather, a shapely calf, and hot shoes - this will drive traffic up on the most boring sites

I can totally do that.


Has it all.
Leather, shoe fetish, the pose.
If I don't at the very least out traffic PZ hisself this weekend, I will be very disappointed.

If that wasn't scary enough for you, I can always try the ScienceBlogs calendar for next year! (see Isis, above).
But I now know what we can challenge Chad to do for the next DonorChoose challenge

Happy Hallowe'en.

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Are those the same shoes you had when I was a grad student?

@JohnD - hey those are my new boots, er, so yes, I think so...

@Dr F.-R. - not yet

@Isis - yes, yes it is.
As for Ms Sep - sure, if it is in a Good Cause, or well paid, or something.
I'd even consider going topless, if artistic and aesthetic considerations demand it.