UB40 - U3

statistical reminder

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Paul Blackman wrote: "Just a reminder that Pim's reliance upon Killias for showing a relationship between gun ownership and homicide is undermined by Kleck's critique of Killias for some deliberate distortions of data, inappropriate exclusions of some countries versus others, etc. Pim doesn't…
Via Quark Soup, a reminder to look at the sea ice data. IJIS have a nice pic http://www.ijis.iarc.uaf.edu/en/home/seaice_extent.htm which is better than the cryosphere today pix. I have a somewhat different take on it to DA: looking at that pic it is clear just how exceptional 2007 was. If you look…
Here are my Research Blogging Editor's Selections for this week: Another week of top-notch psychology and neuroscience blogging! Should captive cephalopods be kept in "enriched" environments? Mike Lisieski of the Cephalove blog says yes: "Generally, providing enrichment for captive cephalopods…
Idle Question of the Day "Exactly what bad consequences would follow if laws were passed by the relevant countries rendering credit default swap contracts void henceforth? (That is, canceling all the outstanding wagers because the bookies went bust.) " (tags: blogs politics economics social-…