we got no choice

no more pencils
no more rules

sorry I can't be there...

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Chopra has another mindless post on the HuffPo, titled Only Spirituality Can Solve The Problems Of The World. I read the whole thing. He's got some fuzzy definitions, praises god-consciousness, gushes about love, joy, kindness, peace, etc., but overall, it's the usual vacuous fluff. I am left with…
Head on over and give fellow physician and outspoken warrior against pseudoscience Dr. R. W. a hearty congratulations! Today is his first blogiversary. May there be many more!
Sometimes I feel like I should send Joseph Farah, founder of the Worldnutdaily, a gift. The webmag he founded is such a fountain of sheer stupidity that he makes my job here so much easier. Virtually every day, I could find ample fodder for this blog just by clicking on his page. And now that he…
There. How's the taste of your own medicine? Yup, there was an editorial meeting. Coturnix, coturnix, @coturnix, BoraZ, Bora Zivkovic and @borazivkovic were there. I was there, too, and I could have said something, but I decided to remain silent as the traffic of this blog, which - cha-chink -…