Rude Girls

Ruder Than You

Hey someone put one of my favourite songs on YouTube


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Friday again? Too much. So, mighty iPod one, let us know is there bleached life on Mars? Whoosh goes the randomiser. Whoosh. The Covering: Up the Junction - Squeeze The Crossing: Come Back to Camden - Morrissey The Crown: Run through the jungle - Creedence Clearwater Revival The Root: Street…
...five different ways! In a bit of a twist on some of the "Five songs I love" posts I've done, I thought I'd take one of my favourite songs and see if I could find a bunch of different versions of it. Some songs seem to naturally lend themselves to re-interpretation by different artists, and…
It's been a very long time since I did a Music Monday of any variety, never mind of the Five songs I really love variety. So it's fun to check in again and share what I've been obsessing over on my iPod and on Youtube lately. And oddly, some of these are repeats from earlier lists, probably…
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