Paper Art

This guy is simply amazing. While my fractal art uses a computer to explore the fuzzy boundaries between a 2nd and 3rd dimension, Peter Callesen's art uses nothing more than standard paper--the very same sort you probably have sitting in your printer tray--and a little glue. From these humble beginnings come fantastic landscapes, like this waterfall:


Water Always Finds Its Way by Peter Callesen

A surreal treat is found at the bottom of the picture, where the paper waterfall spills out of its imaginary landscape onto the frame:


Many of Callesen's works disguise hidden treasures like this. Check out his gallery site for many more wonderful examples of his delicate talent and attention to detail.

Images by Peter Callesen.

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this is lovely...
though, i see the landscape... it was drawn...?, i suppose...
and the water coming down from the drawing... is it also drawn??
or is it cut out??
the concept is fantastic.