Friday Fractal XLIII

The Perfection of Wisdom: A Fractal:


A layered fractal, incorporating a Lissajous curve

(For Melinda)

The Perfection of Wisdom: An 11th Century Illuminated Manuscript:


A page from the illuminated manuscript, Astasähasrikä Prajñäpäramitä (The Perfection of Wisdom)Created on pattra pages in a Tibetan monestary during the late 11th century (Pala age)


And thus Sariputra says:
The perfection of wisdom gives light.
I pay homage to the perfection of wisdom!
She is worthy of homage.

She is a source of light,
She removes darkness, and leads
Away from the blinding darkness
Caused by a pollution of ignorance.

In her we can find shelter.
Most excellent are her works.
She makes us seek the safety
Of the wings of enlightenment.

She brings light to the blind,
She brings light so that all fear
And distress may be abandoned.
She herself is an organ of vision.

She guides to the path those who
Have strayed on to an unpaved road.
She is identical with omniscience.
She does not stop any dharma.

Herself unstopped and unproduced
Is the perfection of wisdom.
She protects the unprotected,
With the gift of self-confidence.

She is the antidote to mortality.
She is intimate with the ways of Dharma.
The perfection of wisdom of the Buddhas
Sets in motion the wheel of the Dharma.

Adapted from a translation of The Perfection of Wisdom in Eight Thousand Lines from the Pala manuscripts, created in Tibet in the 11th or 12 century, C.E. (Chapter VII)

Image credits: Astasähasrikä Prajñäpäramitä (Illuminated manuscript) via Fractals made by the author using ChaosPro.

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