The Sounds of Blogging Silence

Cricket: chirp.


Oh... wait... you're still here? I'm sorry... I forgot to mention that I was taking a short vacation from writing. Well, I didn't mention it, because I didn't really plan for it. In that case, I would have scheduled something ahead of time. Instead, I finished my finals, and started fiddling in the garden. Suddenly, a week later, I realized I hadn't written anything, from a blog or a poem to a new research project. Since words are usually flowing out of me like a garden hose, this came as a surprise... a pleasant one, as it turns out.

During this "vacation" I had some new ideas for regular features on Chaotic Utopia. I'll start them next week. As you'll see, they won't be anything too special--mostly visual tidbits that follow a theme, to be repeated on a weekly basis--small distractions from the daily grind. Of course, I have ideas for non-serial features as well. I always enjoy doing a few research projects, for curiosity's sake, during the summertime. I'd like to get back to some that I started last summer, and perhaps start something new.

So, while it probably looks like I've given up on blogging, the truth is just the opposite--I'm now refreshed and ready to blog like never before! Well, starting Sunday, anyways. I've decided to skip the Friday Fractal this week, since I've skipped everything else. (Plus, I really like the one I posted last week, and wouldn't mind leaving it "current" for an extra week.)

Before I leave to enjoy the last few days of my impromptu vacation, I'd like to offer my apologies again, both for the lull in posting and this rather dull update. I'm sorry... while I can't promise that it won't happen again, I'll certainly make up for it soon. And so, 'till Sunday, farewell!

Cricket again: chirp.... chirp.... chirp.

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