Friday Fractal XLVI

I think I'm going to take this Nova Julia set home, color it with fBm noise, and call it "Find Nemo":


Didn't find him? Try here:


A Percula Clownfish (Amphiprion percula) swimming around in an aquarium

Ok, so, this one is for the kids. (And the grownups, who, like me, couldn't resist watching Finding Nemo once or twice... or a dozen times.) As any child who has seen the movie knows, clown fish live with poisonous sea anemones, which protect them from predators. In the movie, Nemo's father says he "gets stung all the time" and so he's "used to it". However, real clownfish (often known as anemone fish) rarely get stung. There might be a number of reasons that these fish get a break from their deadly home. Many theories involve the fish's unique slimy coating. Rather than being mostly protein-based like most fish, the mucos layer on the clownfish contains more sugar. For some reason, this doesn't trigger the strike of the anemone, possibly because the coating on the clownfish is similar to that of the anemone.

Here's a clip from the Phillipenes, showing clown fish swimming amongst sea anemones, and other fish along a coral reef:

And, since I was already digging around on YouTube, here's my favorite clip from Finding Nemo:

That Dory...

Clownfish photo by Peter Roome, via Flickr.
Fractal made by the author using ChaosPro.

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Dear Lady,

You are very cool. Your fractals are very cool too. Thank you for you fascinating powers of observation. You find the darndest things!

In 1985 I bought a PC-AT (4.55 MHz!) and soon found a program to generate Mandelbrots. A 640x480 image took till tomorrow but I could animate it by cycling the 64-color palette. And now look what we can do. I have UltraFrac installed. Whatta toy.

I visit every Friday to see what you have seen.

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 19 May 2007 #permalink

were do clown fish live???? is it an ANEOMIE????
need info 4 my report!

By need info 4 my… (not verified) on 28 Feb 2008 #permalink

Need info:

You can find your answer in the one big paragraph above. It might help if you spell it "ANENOME"... without the "I". Also, don't be afraid to look up any thing you don't understand. That's what wikipedia is for. (Just don't tell your teacher that.)

u are smart!! many eggs do a clown fish lay?
how many times a year?

for a progect..
already tried google it did not cooperate



Google led you here, did it not? Click the word "clownfish" under the picture above, and it will take you to a page on the Tree of Life website, with all you ever wanted to know about clownfish and more... including a description of their life cycle and answers to the questions you seek.

i really wanna insert my penis into your vagina,lady

that last comment was so nasty and disturbing

By u shall not know (not verified) on 27 May 2009 #permalink

woooooooooow awersome!! thx a lot...u helped me a lot on my project