A short update

I don’t know what it is... maybe weeks with holidays in them will naturally cause writer’s block. Indeed, writers probably need an occasional break from their craft, just like anyone else. Unfortunately, they tend to feel more like a block than a break. I’ve had a few things lined up to write about, mostly the usual environmental science news along with a few oddities, and, naturally, a Friday Fractal. That’s where my recent block/break forced itself on me. I finished the fractal, no problem. I’ve been working on a large fractal art project lately, so those come easily. The fractal was fine; I froze when I tried to write a piece to go with it.

I’m pleased to say that block disappeared today, and a fragmented pile of phrases turned into a lovely poem which accents the fractal well. It seems a bit easier to focus on all of my other works now that the poem is finished. I must apologize, though... I’ve decided to wait until this coming Friday to post it, just so I can keep the flow (and actually call it a "Friday Fractal") and get ahead a little bit.

Now that I’ve got that out of the way, I’m eager to dive into some of the projects I’ve begun. First, I’ll try to do a few more image-filled essays on climate change, as more issues are still coming up in my comments and newspaper feeds. Also, as you might have guessed by the talk of poetry, my creative side is trying to work itself out, so there may be some stories on the way. One is a novella I wrote a few summers back. I did a huge amount of research for it, and then set it aside when I realized it would either be 50 pages (as it stands) or maybe 500 or more. Either one is difficult to deal with. It almost seems like all my stories are set within other stories, and sometimes their boundaries, beginnings and endings, are too fuzzy for me to discern.

I’m starting to recognize common themes, too. (The fact that I’m taking a women’s literature course might be related to both my analysis of my works and my feeling of urgency to write more.) But to discuss those would be a post or series in themselves, and this is just supposed to be a quick update. (Quick... hah!) I suppose literary themes are something else I might write about. Then there is always fractal art and the occasional review of a casual game over at Jay’s (Casual Gaming). Concerning those latter items, I’m looking for an easy way to navigate to my fractal and game entries via the sidebar... so be on the lookout for physical updates as well as written ones.

Well, now, I suppose if I let this short update get any longer, I’ll never get to writing anything else. So, ’till then...

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Well, there you go, Karmen. Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy. (Just an old line I found lying around. Plus that venerable Eagle's song came on the radio just as I read your post.)

I think that maybe writing is not a challenge to get it "right." Rather the useful part is just getting it done. After all, editing is an endless and thankless task. We are each our most devastaing critics and most breathless fans.

Don't forget, the proof is not in the pudding. The proof is in the eating of the pudding. But you already know that, eh? The tough thing is to say what you mean and mean what you say. I anticipate your future posts and your art because they always bring a moment of insight into being human and trying to describe the experience. Delicious stuff! Devilishly tough! You pull it off well, much to my delight.

Have no fear!

By Crudely Wrott (not verified) on 01 Feb 2008 #permalink

I've started a climate change project called proxEarth.org. Many people have blogs, websites, and use social software sites (social networking, social bookmarking, photo and video sharing, etc.). Some standards for tags and text on blogs, websites, and social software sites could turn the whole global Internet into a kind of Web 2.0 participation platform for climate change. Iâm suggesting a few simple standards for tags and text that leverage processes of the sustainable ProxThink growth model. To get this going, we need people to adopt and use these standards. The project could also use contributors, collaborators, partners, funders and sponsors. To find out more, see: