Tar Heel Tavern

Tar Heel Tavern #77 is up on Another Blue Puzzle Piece. The theme is "the future is now" and it creatively done.

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Next Tar Heel Tavern will be hosted tonight (Saturday) by etbnc (one of my most frequent commenters) on My Blue Puzzle Piece. The theme is "the future": That can include predictions, prescriptions, hopes, dreams, near future, far future, middlin' future, back to...etc. Send your entries to: tht70…
Want this badge? Carnival of the Godless #43 is up on Silly Humans. Want this badge? The Tar Heel Tavern #70:qualities of life, is up on Another blue puzzle piece. Radiology Grand Rounds Volume-I are up on Sumer's Radiology Site.
The last time we met at the Tar Heel Tavern was on April 2nd. After that, the inspiration dried out and no Tarheel-brewed amber-colored liquid was flowing for months. With the grass wilting everywhere around us, it was easy to just give up and stop watering one's blogging flowers with creative…
Are you a North Carolina blogger of any sort? Have you ever lived in North Carolina? C'mon, I know many, many science folks who at one time did their training in the Old North State. Well, after hosting Tar Heel Tavern at my old blog in the Spring, I thought it would be a good idea to help out…