New URL/feed for A Blog Around The Clock

This blog can now be found at and the feed is Please adjust your bookmarks/subscriptions if you are interested in following me off-network.

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This blog has moved. I am now cultivating Neuron Culture at Wired Science Blogs. Main link above. Please adjust your bookmarks, subscriptions, or RSS reader settings accordingly. You can read subscribe to the feed here.You can also follow me at Twitter. Thanks, David Dobbs
Check it out: On twitter too! Thanks to Dave Munger, Bora Zivkovic and Anton Zuiker for coming up with what we've all been waiting for -- a way to keep track of all the new science blogging networks that have been sprouting up everywhere lately. From Bora's Drumroll, please!…
So, the Big Day has finally arrived - the inauguration of the new SEED scienceblogs homepage and the addition of 24 new bloggers to the stable, including me - yeay! So, go check out the brand new front page and all the old and new bloggers there. My new blog, a fusion of all three of my blogs, is…
[More blog entries about podcasting; podcasting, webbradio.] I've been laid low all day with a cold. To entertain myself while unable to read, I've listened to podcasts, and when I ran out of shows I subscribe to I started checking out Podcast Alley's top-10. Unfortunately, most people being morons…