Books Around The Clock

Continuing with the five-day plan method of blogging, leaving the All Clocks All the Time behind us, we are starting the third week with a theme - Books Around The Clock.

Over the next five days, you will see both reposts (mostly in AM) and new posts (mostly in PM) about books. There will be straightforward book reviews. There will be NYRB-style reviews in which the book is just an excuse for me to go off on a rant. There will be Book Memes. There will be lists of books on various topics I recommend. And anything else you may recommend in comments or by e-mail.

Before we start, you may want to check out some stuff I posted here earlier, e.g., my reviews of Biased Embryos and Evolution by Wallace Arthur, Evolution's Rainbow by Joan Roughgarden, George Lakoff's Moral Politics and E.J.Graff's What Is Marriage For? and Five Fists of Science by Matt Fraction and Steven Sanders.

Perhaps you can also see my versions of the Oldest Book Meme and One Book Meme and my choices of Science Books from my Childhood. Just keep checking out the Books category all week (and perhaps take a peek at the Books category on my old blog).

And if any of my SciBlings write about books this week, I will link to them here as well. Let's have fun!

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