The most miniscule gods

Animalcules v.1, n.12 is up on Viva La Evolucion

Carnival of the Godless #49 is up on Grounded In Reality


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Over at Viva la Evolucion!, there's a new edition of Animalcules, the Carnival o'the Wee Beasties. I have a post there. There's also a really good post about Vibrio cholerae--the critter that causes cholera.
This week's edition of Grand Rounds, the weekly compendium of medical blogging, is up over at Clinical Cases and Images. Other carnival news: The next edition of Pediatric Grand Rounds is scheduled for September 10th,and hosted by Shinga of Breath Spa for Kids. Because of the time difference to…
Just what the world needs, right? There are already carnivals for medical-type follk, general science folk, the godless, philosophers. There are already carnivals about birds, cats, dogs, general multicellular animals, invertebrates. But something is missing. Oh, yes. Those poor little…
For all you micro-oriented folks, don't forget that the latest edition of Animalcules will be up Sunday the 17th at Viva la evolucion!. Send your enties to me (aetiology AT gmail DOT com) or Salva (vivalaevolucion AT hotmail DOT com) by tomorrow (Saturday).