ConvergeSouth05 - some pictures

i-710d005c8660d36282911838843a792d-ClockWeb logo2.JPGHey, it was fun last year, I bet it will be fun this year, on October 14th...

You can see some pictures from ConvergeSouth here, here, here and here. For now, here's a few that prove that I was there:

i-3e31b6e3656fe9d3bbedc9f44add60db-a1 ConSouth11.jpgThis is just before our sessions started: L-to-R (but not politically) me, Ruby and Dave.

i-75496fd9b0e6a2c8af1479a0c5b7e7a2-a2 ConSouth21.jpg Chatting after Tiffany's session.

i-e895356298a6c37e3dff9330f89d9ee8-a3 ConSouth41.jpgWaiting for Atrios (who got lost on campus) on Saturday morning.

i-0d6dca59c258f95f83a64ba240602771-a4 ConSouth51.jpgAdrian and I used to be next door neighbors and saw each other walking our dogs. It never occured to us to mention blogging. What a surprise when we bumped into each other at ConvergeSouth: "What are you doing here?" "What are YOU doing here?"

i-9d1b5418178a7f5ffcadf449d25b878b-a5 Bora and Atrios.jpgYes, I got to chat with Atrios aka Duncan Black (Potter-head, as I am, I always want to call him Sirius Black!).

More to come, stay tuned...

Update: There are some more pictures here.


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