Encephalon #7

The brand new edition of Encephalon is up on Cognitive Daily. Could you be accepted to attend Encephalon University?

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Welcome to the 26th edition of Encephalon, the neuroscience blogging carnival. Encephalon #1 was posted almost exactly a year ago at my WordPress blog, so this edition marks the carnival's first anniversary. First, let me draw your attention to two new neuroscience blogs. Both authors are…
So there is no one schedule to do the Synapse for next week, and this is kind of deliberate. For those of you who don't know, the annual Society for Neuroscience convention is this weekend from Saturday to Wednesday. The SfN is the Lolapalooza of neuroscience meetings. Tens of thousands of…
Welcome, everyone, to the 14th installment of the brain blogging carnival Encephalon. If you're in the United States, I hope you've got today off, and that you've at least taken a moment to think about the contribution that Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. made to our society. If you're not in the…
Thank you for "choosing" to read Encephalon #44 here at Cognitive Daily. Every two weeks, Encephalon "selects" the best psychology and neuroscience blog posts from around the blogosphere, giving readers the chance to "decide" which ones they'd like to investigate further. Unfortunately for all…