EduBlogging of the week

The 88th edition of The Carnival Of Education is up on Educaiton Wonks.

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Tangled Bank #63 is up on OK So I'm Not Really A Cowboy. Carnival of the Liberals #22 is up on Writings On The Wall. The 86th edition of The Carnival Of Education is up on The Education Wonks. The 39th Carnival of Homeschooling: Autumn Edition is up on PalmTree Pundit.
The Tar Heel Tavern has a new host this week - Dr.R of Evolving Education has just posted the 88th edition. Go there, say Hi, and check out the best North Carolina blogging of the week.
The 135th Carnival of Education is up on The Education Wonks. The latest edition of the Homeschooling Carnival is up on About:Homeschooling.