Happy blogiversary...

...to Ruchira Paul of Accidental Blogger!


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Via Accidental Blogger, come these truly amazing photos of Hindu ascetics playing soccer. I wish they qualified for the World Cup! On only slightly more serious note, Ruchira Paul has an interesting post on Soccer and Political Theory. Dou you agree with the premise?
Over at Accidental Blogger Ruchira Paul has a profile up of Barbara Forrest, philosopher and science activist. I've long admired her coauthor Paul Gross, who I've had the pleasure of being mildly acquainted with on internet mailing lists, and I props to Dr. Forrest as well. I don't talk much…
Brown blogger Ruchira Paul offers her opinions about the veil. Fellow ScienceBlogger James responded with his own thoughts about indoctrinating children. ASSman has a long post about between cultural variation in personality.
Ruchira Paul points me to a blogger who's been digging through Bishop's recent published works, and there's a lot of fishy stuff in there. You have to read it to believe it. Here's the conclusion: There is no question that Dr. Bishop is smart. But it also seems very evident that she suffers…