Brain Blogging of the week

Encephalon #9 is up on Migrations. The next edition will be here on November 6th. Send your entries to: Coturnix AT gmail DOT com

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George has posted a last call for submissions for the next edition of the Teaching Carnival - all about Higher Ed, life in academia, etc. He is hosting it on WorkBook this Friday, September 1st, so send your entries on time to: georgehwilliams at gmail dot com Next Tangled Bank (science, nature,…
The Synapse #10 is up on Neurocritic. Next week, it is the turn for Encephalon (the two neurocarnivals appear on alternate weeks) and it will be hosted by me, right here. Send your entries by November 5th at 5pm EST to: Coturnix AT gmail DOT com.
This is the last reminder to send me permalinks to your recent posts related to neurons, brains, behavior and cognition for the next edition of Encephalon, the neuroscience carnival. I need them by midnight today. I'll post the carnival tomorrow morning. Send the links to: AT…
The Synapse, new carnival of neuroscience - from molecules to cognition and everything in-between - is the first carnival that originated here on SEED Today, the first edition saw the light of day, so you should go over to Pure Pedantry to check it out. The homepage of the…