John and Elizabeth Edwards...

...liveblogging on DailyKos right now. Go say Hi and ask questions.


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I knew this was coming but was unable to get to the computer until right now. John Edwards posted a diary on DailyKos and answered the commenters' questions. If I knew that this was going to be the format, I'd try harder to get on the computer earlier so you could get there in time to ask your…
In a few minutes, I will post the interview with Sen. John Edwards on this blog. All the questions are related to science (and yes, it was not easy to cut down the number of questions and the length of each question - there is so much to ask) so they should be of interest to the readers of this…
Almost three years ago, we conducted our first-ever Casual Fridays study, where we asked who says "hi" to you while you're outside exercising. The results confirmed my suspicions: Runners report that they say "hi" to walkers 57.1 percent of the time. But looking back at the other graph, walkers…
For the first-ever Casual Fridays study nearly four years ago, we asked readers who said "hi" to them while they were out for a walk or run: Today's entry is a survey designed to test a hypothesis I've been developing during my daily run. I think I've noticed a pattern in the responses of people I…