Saddam Dead

Saddam Hussein executed

Where is Osama?

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By the time the next Congress is sworn in, as many Americans will have died in Iraq as died on 9/11. At 6:00 Sunday evening, the Prez will blow into Topeka. A report on his speech in Colorado gives a sense of what we can expect: [A] blistering message against Democrats on taxes and terrorism. And…
Saddam Hussein has been killed. He was a venal little monster, but I don't see that we've gained anything by stooping to the level of a third-world thug, and the unseemly haste with which an irreversible act was committed makes it even more sordid and sleazy. He said that celebrations broke out…
AP is reporting that Saddam Hussein will be executed by 10pm EST. No doubt it will bring a smile to Bush, but it is difficult to see how the hanging will make any difference to what is occurring in Iraq. And it certainly wont bring to account those responsible for the WTC attack.
Sen. Mary Landrieu (D-LA): "In light of the rantings that went on for 30 minutes by two colleagues from the other side, I'd like to state for the record that America is not tired of fighting terrorism; America is tired of the wrongheaded and boneheaded leadership of the Republican party that has…