Stem Cell Experiment in The Scientist

On The Scientist website you can find their new experimental feature - an article with questions to the public that will be used in forming the articles for the print version of the magazine next month. Go see Special Feature: Stem cell cloning needs you: In a unique experiment we're inviting you to participate in a discussion that will help shape our next feature on stem cell research and post comments:

We're inviting people to give us their thoughts and questions on whether we need to rethink the scientific and ethical approach to stem cell cloning to help shape a feature that we'll be running in the June issue of the magazine. [...] we're treating this more as an experiment in user participation, which we'd love to do for more articles in future if people respond to this.

The three main questions are:

Is the nuclear transfer challenge one of understanding or technique?

Is it time to reevaluate the ethics of stem cell cloning?

Does stem cell cloning need new terminology?

So, go there and post comments. So far, there are only 17 comments and the thread has already been hijacked by embryo-worshippers. It would be really nice if people could go there and actually address the issue and try to answer the questions. Adding a comment is easy with no special registration hoops to go through. Hey, if you don't have time to write multiple long comments, you can always blogwhore: post links to your posts in which you have already answered these quesitons in the past.

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