
If you were here last June, you'll remember the action to fund science and math teaching projects in underfunded schools through DonorsChoose.

This year, we'll do it again. There is twice as much of us, and we will also challenge bloggers outside of to join us in this. And we'll try to do even more than that, but you will have to wait a few days and keep monitoring Janet's blog and other blogs for more information. Stay tuned.

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It's October, and that means it's DonorsChoose time again! ScienceBlogs bloggers are, once again, participating in the DonorsChoose Blogger Challenge. Basically, we ask you, our readers, to help public school teachers across the U.S. fund proposals for classroom supplies, activities, and field…
Perhaps you remember June last year when a bunch of us sciencebloggers held a fund drive for science education through DonorsChoose. Well, we are doing it again this year, more of us, and for a longer period of time - throughout the month of October. As was the case last year, the central…
Looking around ScienceBlogs today and yesterday, you may notice a crop of new, blue-and-white buttons on many of the blogs. No, it's not the latest in blog-homepage fashion (though they are pretty spiffy looking). The badges signify blogs that are participating in the ScienceBlogs/DonorsChoose…
I've been a bit too quiet on my end during this third year of participation in the October Blogger Challenges for was launched by Charles Best, a Bronx schoolteacher who recognized that public schools around the US were underfunded, particularly…