
Dum loquimur invida aetas fugerit. (While we talk, hostile time flies away)

- Horace

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It appears to be a good week for non-controversial posting, so while I'm making enemies, I might as well go all out... The recent call for book ideas from the Feminist Press has sparked an interesting discussion at Cocktail Party Physics, but I want to highlight one comment in particular: There is…
I spent Tuesday in the charming company of James Randi and his assistant, journalist Brandon Thorp. Myself and P.J. RÃ¥smark had taken it upon ourselves to act as native guides and gophers for Randi during his days in Stockholm at the invitation of the Swedish Skeptics. So in the morning we went…
This weekend has been busy — yesterday, I gave my talk at the Amaz!ng Meeting, and I think it went OK. I tried to go against type and gave a talk that was all science and biology*, no debunking, no godless inspiration pep talk, no railing at the state of delusional thinking and ignorance in the US…
A talk I saw at SFN received a news release which was emailed to me by a reader (thanks!). I didn't take notes during the talk, so this was a nice piece of serendipity. The title of the talk was "Role of Sleep in Human Memory Consolidation and Reconsolidation" (Sunday, Oct 15 2006 9:15 AM - 9:35…