New on....

...the computers and the Web:

If you are not clear about the difference between the Net (aka Internet), the Web (aka World Wide Web) and the Graph (aka Social Graph), then this post is a must read (via Ed). He explains much more clearly what I had in mind before, e.g., here.

In order to use the Net, the Web and the Graph, you do need some kind of a machine, perhaps a computer, and Greg Laden puts together a dream (or nighthmare) setup for you!

Speaking of dream computers, I could not resist... as you may have seen before, Professor Steve Steve and I got to play with the XO laptop back at Scifoo and, after he nagged me and nagged me and nagged me, I finally succumbed and bought one (which means that another one will go to a poor child somewhere in the developing world - something you should consider doing yourself, but have to think fast as there are only four days left! Update: just saw that it was extended to December 31st...). I am sure that OLPC is inundated with orders and it will take weeks for the laptop to arrive, but once it does, my wife, both of my kids and myself (and Prof. Steve Steve, of course) will give it a test run and I will let you know what we collectively think about it.

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Speaking of laptops for kids, why not ask the kids how they would like to see them designed? That is what Amy did (she sometimes comes to my office to get coffee) and you can see the results here (hat-tip: Anton). Pets, Harry Potter trivia, weird games and really weird games....

...North Carolina animals:

Carnivore Preservation Trust has a great website, but most importantly, they now have a brand new IT system that connects it to researchers and veterinarians around the world. The Trust is just minutes away from where I live, but until recently, one could not just show up and go inside (they have tours now, but you have to call in advance, etc.). So, either you knew someone there who can let you in, or you volunteer for a day (or regularly) fixing cages, feeding the animals, etc. I have not been yet, but I will find some time to go soon.

The special exhibit, Dinosaurs: Ancient Fossils, New Discoveries is now open at the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences in Raleigh.

The students at the Asheboro Zoo School are spending three days a week cleaning and taking care of 150 Puerto Rican crested toads that were supposed to be euthanized, but due to the effort by veterinarians and students will probably make it.

This is how animals at the NC Zoo are fed:

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