Tomorrow is the World AIDS Day:
The WAC's slogan for their work is "Stop AIDS: Keep the Promise". This is an appeal to governments, policy makers and regional health authorities to ensure that they meet the many targets that have been set in the fight against HIV and AIDS, and especially the promise of universal access to HIV treatment, care, support and prevention services by 2010. This campaign will run until 2010, with a related theme chosen for World AIDS Day each year.
So, I hope you choose to blog about this tomorrow and raise awareness about the HIV/AIDS epidemic, rallying your readers to contact the relevant authorities/governments and remind them of their promises (and thank those who are already doing a lot).
If you are a science blogger or a medblogger, I hope you also use this opportunity to educate your readers about the disease, from whichever angle you think is important. If you are looking for information, I hope you do not mind my shameless promotion of my employer (but you all love PLoS already, don't you?) and point you to a whole host of papers on AIDS published a couple of hours ago in PLoS Medicine.
Larry Peiperl reviews this special AIDS issue and here are the links to all the papers (at least you don't have to pay to read them):
Assessment of Recent HIV-1 Infection by a Line Immunoassay for HIV-1/2 Confirmation
Cytomegalovirus Retinitis: The Neglected Disease of the AIDS Pandemic
Antibody-Based HIV-1 Vaccines: Recent Developments and Future Directions
So, if one or more of these articles is of interest to you, or within the domain of your expertise, I will not get mad if you blog about it!
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