New on....

...the intertubes:

Benazir Bhutto (1953-2007)

When tigers cross the walls

Internet trolls really are clueless morons.

Krugman: Progressives, To Arms! Forget about Bush--and the middle ground.

The 2007 Medical Weblog Awards still taking nominations.

First, the neckties, now the sleeves (with no research to support either) but it makes it look like they are doing something.

A little more on anti-science conservatives.


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Two links today for denialism blog readers, both are pretty thought provoking. The first, from Amy Tuteur, on the newly-released statistics on homebirth in Oregon. It seems that her crusade to have the midwives share their mortality data is justified, as when they were forced to release this data…
In the looking glass world of some conservatives and contrarians, the Democratic war on science continues today....just see here for proof. Not only has our new president reversed Bush's stem cell policy, and directed his science adviser--who really, really needs to be Senate confirmed--to "…
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