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Go say Hello to Green Gabbro!


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Everyone should go say hello to our new scibling, Green Gabbro. What is this? Rocks? Next you'll tell me there are scientists who study clouds, or oceans, or flaming balls of gas.
Yami at Green Gabbro puts out a call for interviewees for a book project on women in science, technology, engineering, mathematics, and medicine (STEMM). While the status of women in STEMM has improved in the past few decades, it has been a slow process with many ups and downs. Programs aimed at…
On the East Coast, the sun is rising on day 21 of Blogger Challenge 2008. With only 10 days left in the drive, it seems like a good time to check how the ScienceBloggers with challenges are making out. Thus, I present the "Top Six" standings to date: Amount raised: Uncertain Principles ($4,887)…
I'm swamped (and last night's early bedtime did not help matters. I've got lectures to write, papers to grade, and exam to write (then grade), a lab to prepare...oh yeah, and some service obligations and the ever-elusive research time. Fortunately, there are lots of wonderful things on the…