Yesterday, a bunch of us (e.g., Paul, Brian, Ruby, Wayne, Jackson, Mark and me) got together for tea at Anton's house, analyzed the past year of bloggy activity and plotted to take over the world next year: meetups (a.k.a. beer-blogs-bowling events), science blogging conference, faithblogging, foodblogging, storyblogging and other events we are thinking of doing over the next year.

The second Science Blogging Conference was a great success (see the ever-growing list of blog posts about it) and we intend to do it again next year. But this is certainly not the only thing we at BlogTogether do, online or offline. Monitor our blog for updates throughout the year and subscribe to our mailing list to stay in touch.

If you live in the Triangle area of North Carolina and are interested in our online community and want to do something new or help us do something that's on our plan, read this and holler - everyone's welcome.

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