Obligatory Reading of the day: Why I feel so strongly about redundant digitization
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The obligatory reading of the day: That right-wing logic:
OK, so I laughed at this one. Because this is what passes for logic not just among rural hicks, but nearly the entire right wing in this country.
Obligatory Reading of the Day: Conspiring to expose the conspiracists
Busy today. What are the others writing about?
Abel Pharmboy and DrugMonkey discuss the causes of death of Heath Ledger.
Nature had some articles about ScienceDebate 2008 and got it all wrong. I agree with what John Lynch wrote.
PhysioProf explains the brave new world of NIH…
Obligatory Readings of the Day:
Amanda: Disney emerges from the grave, demands right wing propaganda so he can stop spinning
David Neiwert: Projecting fascism
Sara Robinson: Tunnels and Bridges: A Short Detour
RobertDFeinmanOvercoming the Authoritarian Personality…