My picks from ScienceDaily

Shift Work Linked To Organ Disease, Study Suggests:

Disruption of an individual's natural sleep-wake cycle has been determined to be a contributing factor in the development of organ disease. The findings of U of T researchers were recently published in the Journal of American Physiology.

Mass Media Campaigns Can Convince Young Adults To Adopt Safer Sex Practices, Study Shows:

-- Two University of Kentucky researchers from the department of communication in the UK College of Communications and Information Studies have learned that targeted mass media campaigns alone can be effective in convincing high sensation-seeking, impulsive decision-making young adults to adopt safer sex practices.

Wireless EEG System Self-powered By Body Heat And Light:

The Interuniversity Microelectronics Centre, affiliated with the Holst Centre, has developed a battery-free wireless 2-channel EEG* system powered by a hybrid power supply using body heat and ambient light which could be used to monitor brain waves after a head injury. The hybrid power supply combines a thermoelectric generator that uses the heat dissipated from a person's temples and silicon photovoltaic cells. The entire system is wearable and integrated into a device resembling headphones. The system can provide more than 1mW on average indoor, which is more than enough for the targeted application.

Stress May Lead Students To Use Stimulants:

A growing number of high school and college students are turning to stimulants like ADHD drugs and energy drinks to help them through their stress -- particularly during exam time. University of Michigan experts say that misuse of stimulants can lead to serious health consequences, and encourage parents to take steps toward preventing their children from overusing stimulants.

Anticipating A Laugh Reduces Our Stress Hormones, Study Shows:

In 2006 researchers investigating the interaction between the brain, behavior, and the immune system found that simply anticipating a mirthful laughter experience boosted health-protecting hormones. Now, two years later, the same researchers have found that the anticipation of a positive humorous laughter experience also reduces potentially detrimental stress hormones. According to Dr. Lee Berk, the study team's lead researcher of Loma Linda University, Loma Linda, CA, "Our findings lead us to believe that by seeking out positive experiences that make us laugh we can do a lot with our physiology to stay well."

Triple Threat: Young Macho Men With Serious Injuries Often Abuse Alcohol:

Men with serious injuries, such as traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury, must deal with a range of emotions. If these men have strong traditional masculine ideas and abuse alcohol, it becomes even more difficult to help them heal and come to terms with their emotions and situations. A University of Missouri psychology researcher studied these challenging factors to find better ways to understand and treat men who fit this mold, such as the injured soldiers coming back from Iraq and Afghanistan.


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