Inferring Human Colonization History Using a Copying Model:
Humans like to tell stories. Amongst the most captivating is the story of the global spread of modern humans from their original homeland in Africa. Traditionally this has been the preserve of anthropologists, but geneticists are starting to make an important contribution. However, genetic evidence is typically analyzed in the context of anthropological preconceptions. For genetics to provide an accurate and detailed history without reference to anthropology, methods are required that translate DNA sequence data into histories. We introduce a statistical method that has three virtues. First, it is based on a copying model that incorporates the block-by-block inheritance of DNA from one generation to the next. This allows it to capture the rich information provided by patterns of DNA sharing across the whole genome. Second, its parameter space includes an enormous number of possible colonization scenarios, meaning that inferences are correspondingly rich in detail. Third, the inferred colonization scenario is determined algorithmically. We have applied this method to data from 53 human populations and find that while the current consensus is broadly supported, some populations have surprising histories. This scenario can be viewed as a movie, making it transparent where statistical analysis ends and where interpretation begins.
Evolution of Taxis Responses in Virtual Bacteria: Non-Adaptive Dynamics:
Here, we study how signalling networks mediating chemotaxis could have evolved. We simulated the evolution of virtual bacteria, which can explore their environment by alternating between swimming and tumbling. The tumbling frequency is dictated by the output of a signalling network that senses extracellular nutrient levels, while the bacteria's reproductive success is determined by their ability to find nutrients. Under conditions of abundant food, we find that bacteria quickly evolve signalling networks that enable effective chemotaxis, where increasing nutrient levels increase tumbling frequency. Our findings provide explanation for network dynamics underlying similar behaviour as observed in certain mutant strains of Escherichia coli and in other bacterial species. Conversely, wild-type E. coli respond to increasing nutrient levels by decreasing their tumbling frequency and adapting to constant attractant levels. We observe such adaptive network dynamics when we repeat evolutionary simulations under conditions of scarce food. These findings suggest that (i) adaptation is not necessary for effective chemotaxis, (ii) an ancestral minimal chemotaxis system could have used a simple coupling between the signalling network and the metabolic state, and (iii) environmental conditions are one of the determining factors for the evolution of adaptive responses.
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