
Thank you for sending me a copy of your book - I'll waste no time reading it.

- Moses Hadas

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"Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time reading it." - Moses Hadas
It's annoying. I got another copy today of Joan Carroll Cruz's Eucharistic Miracles, a typical collection of credulous fables about crackers behaving oddly, and I don't need any more. This very silly book sent someone back about $16.50, plus postage, and it was a total waste since I already have…
Would you believe someone has received a copy of Harun Yahya's epic tome, Atlas of Creation, and doesn't want it? Weird, huh? Let's imagine, though, that someone for some bizarre reason wants one. Here's your chance: write a comment here that testifies to your deep and unholy desire to possess a…
I'd like to extend a huge science librarian blogosphere welcome to Information Culture, the newest blog over at Scientific American Blogs! This past Sunday evening I got a cryptic DM from a certain Bora Zivkovic letting me know that I should watch the SciAm blog site first thing Monday morning. I…