
Show me a guy who is afraid to look bad, and I'll show you a guy you can beat every time.

- Lou Brock

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We have a couple of unfortunate events happening. One is the Creation Science Fair. I've been thinking for years that I ought to drop in on this event, and every year it rolls around and I find myself completely unable to do it. I can cope with adults who do stupid things — they are independent and…
The phenomenon is familiar to anybody who plays pick-up basketball. (It might be unique to pick-up hoops-- none of the other sports I play regularly involve multiple discrete games.) You get a bunch of players together, and you play a game to 15. Then a second game to 15. And, hey, that's a pretty…
The latest Carnival of Evolution is at Evolving Thoughts, hosted by that guy Wilkins who usually covers the philosophical beat…but we'll let him out of that cage this one time. The Carnival of Evolution 48 will be held right here, on Pharyngula. You can submit entries via the carnival widget; get…
When I look in the mirror to shave every few mornings or so, I know I'm looking at a reflection of myself and not another human who happens to be doing just the same thing that I'm doing at the same time. Even though I can be a bit shy in person to person contact, I am not afraid of eye contact,…