RSS Feed aggregator about Open Access

Tell Vedran what else should be included in the RSS Feed aggregator about Open Access....

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Vedran Vucic has put together a new aggregator that uses some of the RSS feeds from Check it out here. It is mainly going to be shown to researchers and interested folks in Serbia, but of course everyone in the world can access it and use it.
I heard that this is how it happened: when I went to Belgrade and talked about OA at the med school at University of Belgrade, I mentioned that Vedran is the local Web guru for them if they need anything. Someone from the Oncology hospital was there and later she contacted Vedran and asked him to…
RSS Feed aggregators as sources of information and knowledge in medical sciences (in Serbian - PDF) is an excellent article by Vedran Vucic geared towards medical professionals in Serbia. He will talk about this at the Belgrade's Medical School this Saturday as a part of a symposium on electronic…
Vedran continues to spread the Openness in Serbia: "Anglo-American School Belgrade, a small private school in Belgrade, started its academic year with an opening ceremony celebrating the joy of learning. Teachers who gathered on the first day of school learned about the intention of the school…