Bloggers at the Zoo - movies #7

...and another five clips out of 47:


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tags: Suomenlinna, Helsinki, Finland, image of the day Pohjolan kivimäkehen. Photographed at Suomenlinna on Kalevalapaäivä (Kalevala Day). This is one of my favorite places to visit in Helsinki, Finland. Image: GrrlScientist, 28 February 2009 [larger view]. Kun oli kuun kulettanunna sekä pÃ…
Here are another five clips (out of a total of 47) from the Millionth Comment party at the NC Zoo:
Kaspari et al. discover that coastal ants avoid salt while inland ants can't get enough. Kaspari, M., Yanoviak, S. P., and Dudley, R. 2008. On the biogeography of salt limitation: a study of ant communities. PNAS early edition, doi…
When we met at the Zoo we took 47 short movie clips. Here are the first five and I will post the rest over the next few days: