DonorsChoose 2008 Challenge - update 4

My DonorsChoose board includes challenges like this one, for example: Animal Life Cycles Up-Close:

Change you can believe in! That seems to be the motto these days. I want to teach my 2nd grade students about real change... animal life cycles.

My goal is to provide students with hands-on opportunities for observation and discovery. Students will compare and contrast various life cycles, recording changes in their learning logs.

I teach at a magnet school which has a strong Spanish emphasis. Our 2nd grade team shares most science materials so over 100 students will benefit from your contribution. We do not have any science textbooks or adopted curriculum guides; we simply teach the state standard course of study using whatever resources we can find.

These materials will bring excitement into the classroom and engage students in the world of science. As students safely explore live animals up-close, learning becomes more meaningful. Content can be integrated into many different subject areas such as writing, math, and reading. Your gift will motivate students as they grow in their respect for life and care for the environment. Thank-you for your consideration.

My students need to observe different animal life cycles (ladybug, frog, ant) in 5 different stations for each.

Just click here and donate as little as 5$ and make some kids happy.

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