My picks from ScienceDaily

Practice As Well As Sleep May Help Birds Learn New Songs:

Practice as well as sleep may help birds learn new songs. The reorganization of neural activity during sleep helps young songbirds to develop the vocal skills they display while awake, University of Chicago researchers have found.

Snoring Or Soaring? Strength Of Fruit-fly Immune System Varies:

A fruit fly's immune system can tell time, researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine have found, and how hard it punches back against infections depends on whether the fly is snoozing or cruising. The discovery could have implications for human health, too.

Waste Coffee Grounds Offer New Source Of Biodiesel Fuel:

Researchers in Nevada are reporting that waste coffee grounds can provide a cheap, abundant, and environmentally friendly source of biodiesel fuel for powering cars and trucks.

Biologist Modifies Theory Of Cells' Engines:

Biologists have known for decades that cells use tiny molecular motors to move chromosomes, mitochondria, and many other organelles within the cell, but no one has been able to understand what "steers" these engines to their destinations. Now, researchers at the University of Rochester have shed new light on how cells accomplish this feat, and the results may eventually lead to new approaches to fighting pathogens and neurological diseases.

Contraceptive Methods Shape Women's Sexual Pleasure And Satisfaction:

Contraceptive methods shape women's sexual pleasure and satisfaction. New data from The Kinsey Institute at Indiana University demonstrate that many women think condoms undermine sexual pleasure, but those who use both hormonal contraception and condoms report higher overall sexual satisfaction.

Probing Genetic Underpinnings Of Nicotine Addiction:

A new study from the Abramson Cancer Center and Department of Psychiatry in the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine shows that smokers who carry a particular version of a gene for an enzyme that regulates dopamine in the brain may suffer from concentration problems and other cognitive deficits when abstaining from nicotine - a problem that puts them at risk for relapse during attempts to quit smoking.

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Researchers in Nevada are reporting that waste coffee grounds can provide a cheap, abundant, and environmentally friendly source of biodiesel fuel for powering cars and trucks. ... [The authors] note that the major barrier to wider use of biodiesel fuel is lack of a low-cost, high quality source,…
This EurekAlert title got my attention this morning: Immunity stronger at night than during day: The immune system's battle against invading bacteria reaches its peak activity at night and is lowest during the day. Experiments with the laboratory model organism, Drosophila melanogaster, reveal that…
Emerging Scientific Discipline Of Aeroecology: Aeroecology is the emerging discipline for studying how airborne organisms -- birds, bats, arthropods and microbes -- depend on the support of the lower atmosphere that is closest to the Earth's surface. Fruit-fly Study Adds Weight To Theories About…
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