ScienceOnline'09 - introducing the participants 4


Let's highlight some more of the participants of this year's ScienceOnline09 conference:

Karen James is the Director of Science for The Beagle Project, writes the Beagle Project Blog and also works full time at the Natural History Museum in London doing original research in the Department of Botany. At the conference, Karen will be on two panels: Hey, You Can't Say That! and Blogging adventure: how to post from strange locations.

Anne Jefferson is a hydrogeologist at UNC-Charlotte and blogs on Watershed Hydrogeology Blog.

Clinton Jenkins is an ecologist and researcher in the Pimm group at the Nicholas School of the Environment.

Sandra Jenkins is coming from Maysville, NC.

Erin Johnson is one of our Seed Overlords - she manages and she will do a demo of it, as well as co-moderate the session Science blogging networks - what works, what does not?

Douglas Johnston is an instructor in the SPH Executive Masters Program at UNC.

Paul Jones is a professor of journalism at UNC, director of, a blogger, and a co-organizer of the first two Science Blogging Conferences.

Tatjana Jovanovic-Grove is a biologist and artist. She will co-moderate two sessions: Open Access in the networked world: experience of developing and transition countries and How to paint your own blog images.

Djordje Jeremic is the 9th grade homeschooled son of Tatjana Jovanovic-Grove.

Betul Kacar is a PhD student at Emory University and blogs on Counter Minds.

Molly Keener works in the Coy C. Carpenter Library at Wake Forest University School of Medicine and runs their news blog.

Tom Kibler (together with his wife Patricia), runs Campbell-Kibler Associates, Inc.

Sheril Kirshenbaum is a marine biologist, freelance writer, and a dear neighborly SciBling, blogging next door at The Intersection.

Peggy Kolm blogs on Biology in Science Fiction, The Road Less Traveled and Women in Science and will co-moderate the session on Science Fiction on Science Blogs?

Heidi Koschwanez is a student in the Center for Biomolecular and Tissue Engineering at Duke.

Carolyn Kotlas is the Academic Outreach Consultant at UNC-Chapel Hill Information Technology Services.

David Kroll is a Professor and Chair of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the BRITE Center at NC Central University, as well as one of the co-organizers of ScienceOnline'09.

Anna Kushnir recently got her PhD in virology at Harvard and is now an intern with the Nature Network, where she writes her blog Lab Life. She will co-moderate the session Science blogging networks - what works, what does not?


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