My picks from ScienceDaily

Journey Of A Green Turtle From Indonesia Into Australian Opens Mystery Of 'oceanic Superhighway':

The remarkable journey of a green turtle from Indonesia into Australian waters is helping conservationists to track the migratory route of this species to the Kimberley-Pilbara coast - one of the few relatively pristine coastal areas left on Earth.

Microbes In The Intestine: Friend Or Foe?:

Micro-organisms in the intestine live in symbiosis with humans but can cause illness or even death. Together with an international team, Nicola Harris of ETH Zurich researched the factors that make a person immune to worm infections. The knowledge can now be used to develop vaccines.

Fusing Embryonic Stem Cells With Adult Cells Using Highly Efficient New Fusing System:

MIT engineers have developed a new, highly efficient way to pair up cells so they can be fused together into a hybrid cell. The new technique should make it much easier for scientists to study what happens when two cells are combined. For example, fusing an adult cell and an embryonic stem cell allows researchers to study the genetic reprogramming that occurs in such hybrids.

Organic Weed Control: Scientists Serve Up Mustard Meal To Tame Weeds:

Sinalbin, the same compound that gives white mustard its pungent flavor, could also prove useful in fighting weeds. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) studies suggest sinalbin and other compounds released into soil by applications of white mustard seed meals can kill or suppress certain weedy grasses and annual broadleaf weeds.

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Genes Hold Secret Of Survival Of Antarctic 'Antifreeze Fish': A genetic study of a fish that lives in the icy waters off Antarctica sheds light on the adaptations that enable it to survive in one of the harshest environments on the planet. The study is the first to search the genome of an…
Genetic Surprise: Mobile Genes Found To Pressure Species Formation: Biologists at the University of Rochester have discovered that an old and relatively unpopular theory about how a single species can split in two turns out to be accurate after all, and acting in nature. The finding, reported in…
A recent discovery in stem cell research is no minor event: researchers have figured out how to reprogram adult cells into a state that is nearly indistinguishable from that of embryonic, pluripotent stem cells. This is huge news that promises to accelerate the pace of research in the field. The…
Missing Link Found Between Circadian Clock And Metabolism: Two new research studies have discovered a long sought molecular link between our metabolism and components of the internal clock that drives circadian rhythms, keeping us to a roughly 24-hour schedule. The findings appear in the July 25th…