My picks from ScienceDaily

Here's Venom In Your Eye: Spitting Cobras Hit Their Mark:

Spitting cobras have an exceptional ability to spray venom into eyes of potential attackers. A new study published in Physiological and Biochemical Zoology reveals how these snakes maximize their chances of hitting the target. Using high-speed photography and electromyography, scientists uncover the mechanics of a cobra "spit."

New Insight Into How Bees See Could Improve Artificial Intelligence Systems:

New research from Monash University bee researcher Adrian Dyer could lead to improved artificial intelligence systems and computer programs for facial recognition. Dr Dyer is one of Australia's leading bee experts and his latest research shows that honeybees can learn to recognise human faces even when seen from different viewpoints.

Feeling Your Words: Hearing With Your Face:

The movement of facial skin and muscles around the mouth plays an important role not only in the way the sounds of speech are made, but also in the way they are heard according to a study by scientists at Haskins Laboratories, a Yale-affiliated research laboratory.

Eating Less May Not Extend Human Life: Caloric Restriction May Benefit Only Obese Mice:

If you are a mouse on the chubby side, then eating less may help you live longer. For lean mice - and possibly for lean humans, the authors of a new study predict - the anti-aging strategy known as caloric restriction may be a pointless, frustrating and even dangerous exercise.

Dramatic Expansion Of Dead Zones In Oceans Likely With Unchecked Global Warming:

Unchecked global warming would leave ocean dwellers gasping for breath. Dead zones are low-oxygen areas in the ocean where higher life forms such as fish, crabs and clams are not able to live. In shallow coastal regions, these zones can be caused by runoff of excess fertilizers from farming. A team of Danish researchers have now shown that unchecked global warming would lead to a dramatic expansion of low-oxygen areas zones in the global ocean by a factor of 10 or more.

Genetic Interactions Are Key To Understanding Complex Traits:

In recent years, genetic studies have uncovered hundreds of DNA variations linked to common diseases, such as cancer or diabetes, raising the prospect that scientists can gauge disease risk based on information in an individual's genome. But the variations identified to date only account for a small percentage - typically one to three percent - of the overall genetic risk of any common disease.

New Species Hotspot In Remote Cambodian Mekong:

Cantor's Giant softshell turtle, thought to be extinct in Cambodia since 2003 has been rediscovered in a section of the Mekong River almost untouched by humans. The discovery was one of a raft of species new to the region, 24 in all, and a previously unknown "corpse plant" notable for emitting an odour of decaying flesh.

Evolution And Epilepsy: Improvement In Brain Electrical Signaling Is Critical Both For Vertebrate Evolution And For Preventing Epileptic Seizures:

Studies at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine on brain electrical signaling offer a fresh perspective on vertebrate evolution, provide additional evidence supporting Darwinian views of evolution, and may also lead to more effective treatment of epileptic seizures in infants.

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