Evolution and education with Texas State Board of Education chair Don McLeroy

How should students learn about evolution?

On Thursday morning's Takeaway (at about 6:30 a.m. or 8:30 a.m.
Eastern), we're talking with Don McLeroy, chair of the Texas State
Board of Education. He's believes that students should have the
opportunity to question evolution (and that God created the Earth a
few thousand years ago). Texas is expected to vote this week on new
science standards that could influence textbooks and how more states
treat this controversial issue.

"Evolution and education with Texas State Board of Education chair Don McLeroy"

The Texas Board of Education is in the midst of a major fight this
week over a new science curriculum that's designed to challenge the
principle of evolution. The Board will vote tomorrow on standards that
will govern science teaching on evolution in Texas for the next 10

Here's a direct link to the audio.

It's also in the podcast.

The Takeaway's homepage

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