Next Science Cafe Raleigh: Think Globally - Eat Locally

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
6:30-8:30 pm with discussion beginning at 7:00 followed by Q&A
Location: The Irregardless Café, 901 W. Morgan Street, Raleigh 833-8898

Think Globally - Eat Locally

How much do you know about the food you eat? Were pesticides applied? Do you know where it was grown and how far it traveled to get to you? How much did its transportation contribute to global warming?

What can we do to bring about the revival of locally produced foods and all the benefits they bring - better taste, nutrition, stronger local economies and relationships with local farmers, reduced fossil fuel dependency, and improved land and animal stewardship?

At this Science Cafe we will discuss how to grow our own, how to eat seasonally, and where to buy so that you can leverage your dollars for change. We will also learn about organizations and restaurants supporting this work, farmers looking for membership clients, and Statewide Action Plans that are in the works.

About the Speaker:

Dr. Jeana Myers is a soil scientist at the NCDA&CS soil testing lab in Raleigh, with a lifelong passion for local food systems. Her undergraduate degree in International Agriculture Development in 1979 led to a Peace Corps mission in Zaire, Africa as an extension agent trainer. After returning to the US she received a masters degree in Crop Science and a PhD in Soil Science at NC State then settled in Raleigh with her husband, Will Hooker, who teaches permaculture in the horticulture department. They traveled with their 1½ year old son for 10 months around the world in 2000, visiting over 100 permaculture and organic farm sites in 11 countries. Over the years they have cultivated a mini city farm on 1/5 of an acre in the middle of Raleigh, with gardens, fruit trees, chickens and ponds. She consulted others who wanted to grow more food with her Beautiful Food Gardens business. Promoting the delights and necessity of a strong local food system is her on-going life's work.

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