The May Blog Pick Of The Month at PLoS ONE is.... be found on the everyONE blog.


More like this ask über-quack Hulda Clark, the woman who disagrees with Dr. Simoncini in that she thinks that all cancer is caused by an intestinal fluke and that she can cure it by "zapping" it with a chintzy device she calls a "Zapper" that looks a lot like a Scientology E-meter, any question you want.… Blog For Sex Education on June 4th and to blog about the sea (oceanography, marine biology and conservation, cool cephalopod pictures...) by the June 8th inaugural Carnival of the Blue. reassure the Kevin-o-philes and the Kevin-o-phobes, for that matter, that the raucous young bonobo will be back on the blog in the future. Exactly when that will be is to be determined at this point, but he will be back! In the meantime, I am sure that Jim "I-am-the-god-of-drums-and-circuits…
"Some of them act badly because they've had a hard life, or have been mistreated...but, like people, some of them are just jerks. Stop that, Mr. Simpson." -The Simpsons Sometimes, it's good to just take a step back and enjoy something that's easy. There's a lot in this world to think about, worry…