Clock Quotes

One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures.

- Governor George W. Bush

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It's past midnight here on the West coast, and I'm about go to sleep, so, I'm going to say something really quickly about the election. Wow. Really wow. Myself, I'm not super excited about the Democrats winning the House, and quite likely the Senate (it'll come down to the Virginia recount and…
Welcome to the seventh edition of The Giants' Shoulders - the monthly blog History of Science blog carnival. Courtesy of the Digital Cuttlefish, we have a nice reminder of just why this whole insane thing we call "science" is so important: They've hit upon something that multiplies thinking, A…
I sometimes wonder if ordinary people in Texas are as stupid as many of the leaders they elect, but the evidence is that most aren't. Take the west Texas jury who heard case of Tim Stevens of Amarillo, 53 years old, and suffering from HIV/AIDS. He also had a cyclical vomiting syndrome, for which he…
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