Clock Quotes

The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.

- W. C. Fields

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The latest issue of Archives of Internal Medicine is devoted to sleep. The articles are freely available. Here is the press release: Incorporate Sleep Evaluation Into Routine Medical Care, Expert Says Sleep is an integral part of health, and assessment of sleep habits should be a standard part of…
I'm a terrible sleeper, which is perhaps why I got invited to contribute to a NY Times group blog on "insomnia, sleep and the nocturnal life". Here is my first contribution, which focuses on the work of Dan Wegner: My insomnia always begins with me falling asleep. I've been reading the same…
With Skate Eyes, Scientists Peer Into Human Disease: Paradoxically, the photoreceptor cells in our retinas release more of their neurotransmitter, glutamate, in the dark, when there is nothing to see, than they do in the light. This is doubly surprising since although glutamate is a major signaling…
Medscape has one of their brief 0.25 CME articles on the subject of methylphenidate (Ritalin, et. al.) and the effect it has on sleep.  (You have to register to read it, but registration is free.) This is interesting because it illustrates nicely how psychopharmacology can be confusing.  In this…