What do you want to see implemented on Scienceblogs.com?

As you've all already heard, Scienceblogs.com is thinking about introducing some new technical functionalities, including some community-building gadgets.

Now, you should go to this post on Page 3.14 and give your feedback. There is a poll there that you can do - it is a little unusual: you vote not by clicking but by dragging items up (which pushes other items down).

If the poll does not work for you, or if some of the items you really, really hate (and the poll does not allow you to NOT vote for any item), or if there are other things you'd rather see, please post a comment. They are reading.

Importantly, all of those new things will be optional. We were promised that they will remain optional forever. Thus, if you don't like it, or if you just come to one of our blogs by chance through a Google search or random link, you will see the site as it is now and be able to interact with it as it is now. But for regular readers, frequent commenters and bloggers themselves, this will be a nice new set of ways to interact with each other more.

So, go to this post on Page 3.14 and have your opinions heard.


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