47 institutions in 14 German Federal States will take part in the Open Access Week 2009.
Prevention of Winter Depression
Iran's science minister does science the easy way: by plagiarizing [updated]
Glenn Beck and left-right confusion
Getting a jump on journalism bootstrapping
'You and Your Research' (PDF), or how to become the ultimate Ivory Tower insider.
Elaine Marshall is running for Senate.
Raleigh News & Observer has a new website - what do you think? Improvement, but is it going far enough?
Clive Thompson on How the Real-Time Web Is Leaving Google Behind
Frameworks and Lessons from the Public Participation in Science Research Report - Four models for participatory projects: contribution, collaboration, co-creation, co-option
Participatory Journalism ... what's it all about?
If You Want to Catch a Liar, Make Him Draw
Stunning shots of thirsty bats swooping down for a drink from garden pond
Bad news for bloggers and citizen journalists: Shield law: Definition of 'journalist' gets professionalized
NIH Administrators Ignore the Advice of Peer Review Panels- OH NOES!!!!!
Explainers for hire: Research for hire: A revenue model for the news? and Commoncraft - science, PR or journalism?
Clay Shirky on the future of news
There is no single future for scientific journals
RT @jayrosen_nyu: Academics show how media reported ACORN charges "without investigating truth or falsity" - PDF.
Data sharing after publication
No duh: Surgery success is not linked to phases of the moon
I Don't Want To Hear About Distributed Conversations Any More
Only a week left till next Blog Pick of the Month at PLoS ONE - make sure it is aggregated on ResearchBlogging.org
RT @StacyCBaker Science teachers or anyone interested please call in during my segment on NPR Science Friday this week (2:20-3:00).
EduPunks: RT @academicdave : Washington Monthly, WaPo and NPR.
How Federico Caprilli changed the way we jump horses: and now we have Prix Caprilli and Caprilli School
On Futurity.org and science journalism: Carl Zimmer - Apocalypse Via Press Release and John Timmer - PR or science journalism? It's getting harder to tell
GOP Favors Public Option for Property, Not People (former NY Times investigative reporter writes at Firedoglake)
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