DonorsChoose update

As you are likely aware, the DonorsChoose campaign is in full swing here on

What you may not be aware is that Seed Media Group is in, with some nice prizes to the donors:

You can forward the donation receipt to for a chance to win some Swag Bags from ScienceBlogs, complete with Seed moleskin notebooks and tote bags, ScienceBlogs mugs and USB drives, and books from Yale University Press and Oxford University Press - we'll draw a winner or winners every week in October.

Check out all the Sciblings' challenges and pick some to give - a little bit by many people will go a long way.

As you can see, our challenges are currently in second place overall, behind a large group of "General Blogs", leaving Twitter, Discover Blogs, Fashion Blogs, Gawker Media, Tech Blogs, BlogHer and others behind. Can we get to the #1 spot by the end of the month?

Of course, I would love it the best, if you donate to one of my challenges.

So far, two donors have given three donations to my challenges, with the total of $204.

Challenges The Joy Of Science!!!!!, Headline: Worms Tutor First Graders!, Alternative Energy and Conservation, The Lights In The Sky Are Stars, No Books Go Notebooks and Biology Games to Make Level 3's and 4's have been fully funded - all this week, and thanks to, among other, my donors.

How do you choose where to give?

You can take a look at those challenges that have very little time left:

First Graders Flip Over the Video on Their Blog has only 5 days left to go. Kinder-Garden has 10 and Flip For Learning! has 18 days to go. If not funded in time, those projects will not happen this year!

Or you can see which challenges require only a little bit of money to get fully funded:

Space and Beyond is missing only $58 to get fully funded. 1,2,3 - Look at Me (Learning Math) needs only $94 and Tick Tock : Time to Tell Time needs $102.

Or see which challenges work double, i.e., with various corporate sponsors doubling your contributions.

And if all of my challenges get funded soon, I'll add some more. We have a whole month to help as many children and teachers as possible. Thank you.


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