Tweetlinks, 10-08-09

Follow me on Twitter to get these, and more, in something closer to Real Time:

Geobloggers - who is coming to #scio10? There is a session proposed that you may want to join in

How @TomLevenson rakes Megan McArdle over hot coals on disingenuous science reporting: It's not that McArdle can't's that she can't (won't) think: part four (and last, thank FSM). (part 4, links to 1,2,3)

Spoor of South African Dinos Analyzed

BLT Kama Sutra

Rules to Eat By

Darwin: 3 Poems

Lisa Sanders was on State Of The Nation at noon at wunc 91.5FM today.

Book Review: Don't Be SUCH A Scientist

Open Access Policy for York University Librarians and Archivists

Thanks to HP for helping students through my Giving Page


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